This is a program that consists of three modules and two programs (client and server) and was my first attempt at networked programming (written in mid-2008). It implements, or tries to implement, an in-game game from MystOnline.
Note: if this code is missing essential parts I’m sorry. In addition to that, if there are random functions that are not used, I am also sorry. I have forbidden myself from changing the past. This website is kinda meant to be an exposé (like Facebook timeline).
import socket import threading import thread import time import heek_defs import string Version = '1.7' Port = 1813 global Status Status = 'Server is currently not running' global connections connections = [] global Received Received = '','','' global isStartGame isStartGame = 0 global init_player init_player = [] global Viewer_connections Viewer_connections = [] global isVerbose isVerbose = 0 global isStop isStop = 0 def VerbosePrint(content): if isVerbose == 1: print content else: pass def ConnectLoop(isStop, Port): host = '' listenSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) listenSock.bind((host, Port)) while isStop == 0: listenSock.listen(1) (sock, address) = listenSock.accept() VerbosePrint(( 'accepted connection from: ', address)) sock.setblocking(0) init_player.append((sock,address,address,'')) # print connections def Receive5SeatedPlayerLoop(isStop): while isStop == 0: time.sleep(0.1) for Entry in connections: data = '' Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry try: data = Conn.recv(1024) except: pass if data != '' or data.startswith('i:'): VerbosePrint((data,' (Name: "',Name, '" --FromGameSock)')) global Received Received = data, Name, seat if data.startswith('g:'): global isStartGame isStartGame = 1 data = '' def SendToAll(info): time.sleep(0.2) for Entry in connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry try: Conn.send(info) except: pass for Entry in Viewer_connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry try: Conn.send(info) except: pass def DisconnectClient(Conn): Conn.close() def RemoveClient(Conn): Conn.close() try: connections.remove(Conn) except: pass def KickClient(input_name): for Entry in connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry if Name == input_name: RemoveClient(Conn) print '%s kicked' % Name return for Entry in Viewer_connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry if Name == input_name: RemoveClient(Conn) print '%s kicked' % Name return print 'User not found' def GetSeatStatus(): seats = [0,0,0,0,0] if connections != []: for Entry in connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry if seat == '1': seats.__setitem__(0,1) if seat == '2': seats.__setitem__(1,1) if seat == '3': seats.__setitem__(2,1) if seat == '4': seats.__setitem__(3,1) if seat == '5': seats.__setitem__(4,1) VerbosePrint((seats,' --Seats')) return seats ## global Heek_seats ## Heek_seats = seats def AllocatePlayerSeats(GetSeatStatus): Heek_seats = GetSeatStatus if (Heek_seats.__getitem__(0)) == 0: return '1' if (Heek_seats.__getitem__(1)) == 0: return '2' if (Heek_seats.__getitem__(2)) == 0: return '3' if (Heek_seats.__getitem__(3)) == 0: return '4' if (Heek_seats.__getitem__(4)) == 0: return '5' else: return '0' def GetNameStatus(in_name): seats = [0,0,0,0,0] if connections != []: for Entry in connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry if in_name == Name: return '1' return '0' def GetNameFromSeatNum(num): for Entry in connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry if seat == num: return Name return '' def CheckIfWin(): global match_scores for Entry in connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry player_score = match_scores[(int(seat)-1)] VerbosePrint(('player %s: ' % Name)) ##check scores; This is a round-about way of doing it but, the other ways seemed buggy ## print "++++++++++TESTING_1_!!!!+++++++++" IND_score = player_score[0] ## print IND_score if 2 < IND_score: VerbosePrint((Name+" wins a Pen")) match_scores = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] return Name+" wins a Pen" ## print "++++++++++TESTING_2_!!!!+++++++++" IND_score = player_score[1] ## print IND_score if 2 < IND_score: VerbosePrint((Name+" wins a Page",heek_defs.decode(loopTimes))) match_scores = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] return Name+" wins a Page" ## print "++++++++++TESTING_3_!!!!+++++++++" IND_score = player_score[2] ## print IND_score if 2 < IND_score: VerbosePrint((Name+" wins a Beetle")) match_scores = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] return Name+" wins a Beetle" return '' def pingClient(Entry, Conn, Name): try: VerbosePrint('sending ping') Conn.send('ping') except: pass currtime = time.clock() start_time = time.clock() added_time = start_time + 8.00 while 1: data, RCV_name, seat = Received time.sleep(0.2) VerbosePrint('.') # print added_time, currtime if Name == RCV_name: VerbosePrint(('received something from Client')) VerbosePrint((data,Name,' -In_Ping')) VerbosePrint(("All's well with %s" % Name)) return 0 # break if currtime > added_time: VerbosePrint(("Disconnecting",Name)) connections.remove(Entry) Conn.close() return 0 currtime = time.clock() # print 'our business is done here' def pingAll(isStop, pingClient): while isStop == 0: time.sleep(20) for Entry in connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry pingClient(Entry, Conn, Name) for Entry in Viewer_connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry pingClient(Entry, Conn, Name) def PrintPlayerList(): print 'nn#Players#n' for Entry in connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry IP_Address, SockID = address print Name, IP_Address+' '+seat print 'nn#Viewers#n' for Entry in Viewer_connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry IP_Address, SockID = address print Name, IP_Address def ScoreListAndSend(throwdown): print 'nn#Player Scores#n' numTimes = 0 PlayList = [] print 'thowDown > ',throwdown for Entry in connections: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry IP_Address, SockID = address seatNumIndex = int(seat) -1 print 'This is the index: ',seatNumIndex User_Score = throwdown[seatNumIndex] print User_Score Out = '%s : %s' % (Name,str(User_Score)) PlayList.append(Out) numTimes +=1 return PlayList def fillPlayerInfoVarsAndAppendMainList(isStop): while isStop == 0: time.sleep(1) for Entry in init_player: Conn, Name, address, seat = Entry try: Conn.send('i:name') except: pass currtime = time.clock() start_time = time.clock() added_time = start_time + 8.00 receivedMessageFromClient = 0 ##stuff while added_time > currtime: time.sleep(0.2) data = '' try: data = Conn.recv(1024) except: pass if data != '': VerbosePrint((data,Name,' -In_initPlayer')) receivedMessageFromClient = 1 break currtime = time.clock() if receivedMessageFromClient == 0: VerbosePrint(("Disconnecting",Name)) Conn.close() try: init_player.remove(Entry) except: pass if receivedMessageFromClient == 1: try: init_player.remove(Entry) except: pass ReceivedMessage_sheared = data[2:] VerbosePrint(ReceivedMessage_sheared) SeatStats = GetSeatStatus() VerbosePrint(SeatStats) seat2SitIn = AllocatePlayerSeats(SeatStats) new_entry = (Conn,ReceivedMessage_sheared,address,seat2SitIn) takenName = GetNameStatus(ReceivedMessage_sheared) ##print takenName if takenName == '1': Conn.send('m:"%s" already taken, please pick a different name' % ReceivedMessage_sheared) VerbosePrint('Name Taken') DisconnectClient(Conn) if takenName == '0': VerbosePrint('Name Not Taken') if seat2SitIn == '0': Conn.send('m:All seats filled; joining as a viewer') #add to viewer list Viewer_connections.append(new_entry) if seat2SitIn != '0': #add to player list Conn.send('m:Joining to seat %s' % seat2SitIn) connections.append(new_entry) VerbosePrint(connections) #def isStillConnected(Conn): # connection.status = 0 # connection.sock.close() def MainStart(isStop, CheckIfWin): global isStartGame while isStop == 0: if isStartGame == 0: #wait and try again later time.sleep(0.1) # print "Still at 0, trying again" if isStartGame == 1: throwdown = ['', '', '', '', ''] SendToAll('m:Waiting 8 seconds (tick, tick, etc.)') VerbosePrint("Waiting 8 seconds") ##timer stuff currtime = time.clock() start_time = time.clock() added_time = start_time + 8.00 while added_time > currtime: time.sleep(0.1) currtime = time.clock() Rcv, Name, seat = Received if Rcv.startswith('g:'): ## print 'adding "' + Rcv[2:] + '" to the list' throwdown.__setitem__((int(seat)-1),(heek_defs.decode(Rcv[2:3]))) VerbosePrint(throwdown) score = heek_defs.score_round(throwdown) win = heek_defs.award_Score(score, throwdown) score2 = heek_defs.keep_match_score(win, match_scores) VerbosePrint(match_scores) VerbosePrint(win) PlayList = ScoreListAndSend(throwdown) print PlayList SendToAll('m:'+str(PlayList)) SendToAll('m:MatchScores- > '+str(match_scores)) SendToAll('m:'+CheckIfWin()) isStartGame = 0 #UI print 'Welcome to the PyHeek server v. %sn Type "help" to list all commands' % Version while 1: console = raw_input('HeekServer: ') if console == 'help': helpMessage = '''the availible commands are: start - starts the server end - ends the server(currently not working) v+ - verbose mode v- - sets to normal mode ping - to ping all clients kick '<user>'- kicks user list - prints a list of users currently on this server status - gets the current status of the server help - shows this message ''' print helpMessage if console == 'start': if Status == 'Server is running': print 'Server is already running' else: global match_scores match_scores = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] print 'nServer v. %s starting...' % Version thread1 = threading.Thread( target=ConnectLoop, args=( isStop, Port) ) thread1.start() print 'ConnectServe started' thread2 = threading.Thread( target=Receive5SeatedPlayerLoop, args=( isStop,) ) thread2.start() print 'Receive started' thread3 = threading.Thread( target=fillPlayerInfoVarsAndAppendMainList, args=( isStop,) ) thread3.start() print 'Welcome Serve started' thread4 = threading.Thread( target=pingAll, args=( isStop, pingClient) ) thread4.start() print 'Ping Serve started' thread5 = threading.Thread( target=MainStart, args=( isStop, CheckIfWin) ) thread5.start() print 'MainGameLogic started' print 'Server v.%s startedn' % Version Status = 'Server is running' if console == 'end': print 'currently not working' # if Status != 'Server is running': # print 'Server is already stopped' # else: # print 'nServer v. %s stopping...' % Version # isStop = 1 # print 'Server v.%s stoppedn' % Version # Status = 'Server is currently not running' # isStop = 0 if console == 'status': print Status if console == 'v+': if Status == 'Server is running': isVerbose = 1 print 'set to verbose mode' else: print 'Server is not running, can not apply commands to it' if console == 'v-': if Status == 'Server is running': isVerbose = 0 print 'set to normal mode' else: print 'Server is not running, can not apply commands to it' if console.startswith('kick '): if Status == 'Server is running': splitItem = console.split("'") user = splitItem[1] KickClient(user) else: print 'Server is not running, can not apply commands to it' if console == 'list': if Status == 'Server is running': PrintPlayerList() else: print 'Server is not running, can not apply commands to it'
from socket import * import string import time import thread import heek_defs Name = raw_input('Your Name: ') ipAddr = raw_input('Server IP: ') #this is like speed-dial if ipAddr == '1': ipAddr = '' global RCVD RCVD = '' NadPort = 1813 Port = 5000 global sock sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((ipAddr, NadPort)) ##sock.send('Test') def Recv_loop(): while 1: time.sleep(0.2) global RCVD if RCVD == 'ping': sock.send('pong') RCVD = sock.recv(1024) if RCVD.startswith('m:'): print RCVD[2:] thread.start_new_thread(Recv_loop,()) sentWelcomeMessage = 0 print 'Choose; pen, page or beetle' while 1: if sentWelcomeMessage == 1: input = raw_input('Input: ') encoded_input = heek_defs.encode(input) if encoded_input != '': sock.send('g:'+encoded_input) if RCVD == 'i:name' and sentWelcomeMessage == 0: print 'sending the Name' sock.send('i:%s' %(Name)) sentWelcomeMessage = 1
import time import md5 def CalcMd5(string): myMd5 = myMd5.update(string) calcMd5 = myMd5.digest() return calcMd5 def decode(data1): if data1 == '1': return 'pen' if data1 == '2': return 'page' if data1 == '3': return 'beetle' else: return '' def encode(data2): if data2 == 'pen': return '1' if data2 == 'page': return '2' if data2 == 'beetle': return '3' else: return '' def score_round(throwdown): roundpointlist = [] for play in throwdown: otherplays = throwdown[:] otherplays.remove(play) score = 0 if play == 'pen': for each in otherplays: if each == 'page': score += 1 elif each == 'beetle': score -= 1 else: pass elif play == 'page': for each in otherplays: if each == 'beetle': score += 1 elif each == 'pen': score -= 1 else: pass elif play == 'beetle': for each in otherplays: if each == 'pen': score += 1 elif each == 'page': score -= 1 else: pass else: pass roundpointlist.append(score) return roundpointlist def award_Score(roundpointlist,throwdown): highest = 0 counter = 0 winningplayers=[] winnings = '' for each in roundpointlist: if each > highest: highest = each else: pass for each in roundpointlist: if each == highest: winningplayers.append(counter) else: pass counter += 1 for player in winningplayers: winnings = throwdown[player] win = [winningplayers, winnings] return win def keep_match_score(win, match_scores): if win[1] == 'pen': for each in win[0]: match_scores[each][0] += 1 if win[1] == 'page': for each in win[0]: match_scores[each][1] += 1 if win[1] == 'beetle': for each in win[0]: match_scores[each][2] += 1