Me and a team of my friends (Michael Webb, Brandon Olivier, Jose Garcia) from UT decided to hack together a Facebook App a few months ago for a Facebook Hackathon here in Austin. Take it for a spin:
Me and a team of my friends (Michael Webb, Brandon Olivier, Jose Garcia) from UT decided to hack together a Facebook App a few months ago for a Facebook Hackathon here in Austin. Take it for a spin:
Around the middle of March 2012 when we were covering series in Calculus class I got the idea to make a short Python program to approximate sine. I got a bit carried away and came up with this: from tkinter import * from math import * def getSinSeriesApprox(x, n): return sum([(((-1)**(i+1))*(x**(i*2-1)))/factorial(i*2-1) for i in range(1, […]
Download managers can be pesky creatures with hard to use batch-downloading features. This is why Python is useful. This program has been used an modified so many times I’ve forgotten just when I programmed it. I’m going to settle with fall 2010-ish. import urllib.request,os url_part = "" url_end = "page.php?number=%i" save_dir = "page/" for i […]
Graphs a Mandelbrot fractal. Coded August 2010. from PIL import Image def mandelbrot(x0, y0, maximum): Z = complex() C = complex(x0,y0) i = 0 while (Z.real**2 + Z.imag**2 <= 4.0 and i < maximum): Z = Z**2 + C i+=1 if i == maximum: #it is in the set return 255, 255, 255 else: #even […]
When you find yourself faced with a Pre-Calculus assignment that requires a protractor in radians, Python can help. This was something I whipped up in a few minutes to make my life a lot easier. Coded around winter 2011. import math for i in range(int(2*math.pi*10)+2): rad = float(i/10) print(rad," rad, deg:", round((rad*180)/math.pi), (rad*180)/math.pi)
This is a little easy-to-code cipher I made for encrypting text. There are various issues with it, but it’s always fun to have ones own secret code. import hashlib def additive_encrypt(data, key): result = "" h = hashlib.md5() h.update(key.encode()) keyhash = str(h.hexdigest()) k_idx = 0 for byte in data: n = byte+int(keyhash[k_idx],16) if n > […]
This is a program I made to study for biology vocabulary tests. It’s useful for any kind of vocabulary test and it’s been helpful throughout high school. It reads a text file in the format: “word-this is the definition word2-this is the definition” import random list_of_stuff = [] f = open("material.txt") lines = f.readlines() for […]
Two things that most people like: pie and pi. Many people also like Py(thon). Coded August 2010. #create PI, fresh from the oven i = 0 current_number = 0 current_denominator = 1 while i < 10000000: current_number+=(i/current_denominator) if current_denominator > 0: current_denominator = -current_denominator-2.0 else: current_denominator = -current_denominator+2.0 i+=1 print(abs(current_number*8))
The sequel to my first program “simple_compression.” Even more experimenting. Coded July 2010. import struct from PIL import Image import math def writeUnsignedInt(stream,v): stream.write(struct.pack(‘<I’, v)) def readUnsignedInt(stream): s = p, = struct.unpack(‘<I’, s) return p def writeUnsignedShort(stream,v): stream.write(struct.pack(‘<H’, v)) def readUnsignedShort(stream): s = p, = struct.unpack(‘<H’, s) return p def writeDouble(stream,v): stream.write(struct.pack(‘d’, v)) […]
This program is my first dabbling in image compression. It turns out that storing pixel data as gradients isn’t any smaller than indexing. Anyway, it was fun novel idea I had been meaning to try for a while (coded July 2010). import struct from PIL import Image import math def writeUnsignedShort(stream,v): stream.write(struct.pack(‘<H’, v)) def readUnsignedShort(stream): […]